The image above is just a play upon Robert Pattison from the Twilight film series. All this is criticizing in real time. His eyes and mouth have been shifted and pulled to create a new persona of Pattison as idiocy. The term derp simply is defined as making a dumb comment. I suppose some people did appreciate his panel comments at Comic Con, or maybe it was just a good opportunity for a good laugh.
To be honest I thought that this was a face that he really did make. This is a funny example of physiognomy and how it changes how I see the actor. instead of being what people think of "pretty". He looks stupid and fake, in a in a believable way. oddly enough the face that they put on him suits him. although I think that the "Derp" is a little pointless he already looks weird, why add the dumb comment prompt.
ReplyDeleteI agree, the text is a bit distracting, but how else would you understand to look up or infer what is happening? I guess that only thing that comes to my mind is that he looks even more unattractive than he already does. I guess that facial expression may coincide witht he fact that it was a comic convention?
ReplyDeleteHaha, this is an interesting form of caricature. Untill I read your comments on it, I also thaught it was just a face he made. It is an interesting method of creation, it almost goes along with the idea of the grafiti on the Mona Lisa. It's amazing to see what a little 'warping' can do to a picture. This certainly applies to the idea of caricature making the "sublime reduced to the ridiculous." I wonder what all the girls who idolize him would think after seeing this picture.