I thought this comic was pretty interesting because they are using pick up lines to try and get the attention of the "chicks." They replaced the typical men and women with sketches of chickens and roosters. I find kind of ironic that the rooster is hitting on the chickens, yet you are considered a chicken if your to scared to go up to talk to a girl or guy. Not only is this just a typical situation where a man will hit on a woman, it is stereotyping how men treat and talk to women. The use of bad grammar is also hinting towards that the type of men who go after women don't realize its not attractive and that it is degrading. You see this because the chickens end up walking away towards the last slides. In the first slide they are looking at the rooster and as he keeps talking they slowly move out of the view of the slides. I often wonder if this cartoon is suppose to play off how cocky some guys can be? Which would also play into why they are seen as roosters, I'm not really sure what to think of this cartoon. I feel that this cartoon could be related in a child like sense or could also be taken more literally. I feel that the way the sketch is drawn it is suppose to be more playful than harsh and critical, but I could be wrong. Comparing this to what we have been talking about in class and how Hogarth played with say the good looking lady who comes to town. As the panels move forward you see how bad things just begin, which is kind of seen here the rooster shows up in hops of getting the attention but left all alone. It is a similar story board yet made in less steps and details.
I think this comic can be taken very literally, with the chickens representing women and the rooster being the cocky male trying to gain attention. I agree with what you said about the cartoon being playful because of the way it was drawn. It's making fun of the way men try to pick up women. I really like the last panel when the chickens are walking away from him and he says "You want dis" as if to boost his ego after the humiliation of being turned down.
ReplyDeleteRelating this image to class discussions even more is within Hogarth's piece that was titled "A Harlot's Progress" because like Jacqueline stated, it is a storyline, with a plot, from beginning to end. It also deals with the same type of concept, the chicken being objectified by the rooster, just like the young girl entering town is objectified by the townsmen.