In this illustration- a visual representation of the breaking of the sevens seals in the book of revelations. Depicted are pestilence, war, death and famine- riding on white, red, black and pale horses. The detail of this print is amazing, much like Hogarth, Durer pays attention to detail and makes use of the space wisely. The allegorical and moralizing suggestiveness of this print is clear. Durer was catholic, but had swaying between catholicism and christianity; even though he did a whole series of religious related work.
Anyways, like Hogarth he too was concerned with his work and used mathematics to make sense visually of his work. He demonstrated proportion and perspective in his work. The facial features of each of the riders expresses an emotion- of anger or determination, perhaps (even in the horses)? the sulken face of famine is evident, and especially in his horse. The line work is what pulls this piece together. It adds movement throughout the entire print, it acts as the unifying element in this chaotic illustration. His work demonstrates "his knowledge of pictoral language of allegory" like Horgarth, even thought Albercht came long before.
I like that you were able to find a print, it helps to associate with Hogarth's work better. Again it has social commentary and that seems to be a major element to Hograth's work as well. It is a good example of the plight of humanity, however I think or the impression I get was that Hogarth used a lot of Satire and allegory and I wish that this piece had some sort of satire to tie it back to Hogarth. I like the print and how well you analyzed this piece.